
The Emergency Shelter provides culturally specific emergency shelter to American Indian youth who are homeless, runaway, in a family crisis, or involved with juvenile corrections. Services include: emergency and short-term shelter, crisis intervention, case and systems advocacy, information and referrals, access to medical/dental care, counseling, case management and community education.
For referral information please contact Maricella Pacheco, Housing and Stabilization Services Director.
- Contact
- Maricella Pacheco
- Title
- Housing and Stabilization Services Director
- Phone
- 651.370.2620
- Fax
- 651.224.5136
- maricella.pacheco@adycenter.org
- Address
1089 Portland Ave
St. Paul, MN 55104

The Beverley A. Benjamin Youth Lodge is a transitional living program available to youth discharged from Ain Dah Yung’s emergency shelter, and to youth ages 16 – 21 who have no parental substitute, foster or institutional home to which they can safely go. Youth live at the Youth Lodge in a stable, culturally supportive and safe environment in which they address critical barriers to self-sufficiency and strengthen their community and cultural connections.
- Contact
- Celina Jubera
- Title
- Youth Lodge and Street Outreach Program Manager
- Phone
- 651.632.8923
- Fax
- 651.209.1998
- celina.jubera@adycenter.org
- Address
1212 Raymond Ave
St. Paul, MN 55108

Meaning "Good New Home" in Ojibwe, Mino Oski Ain Dah Yung is a 42-unit permanent supportive housing project for American Indian youth ages 18 to 24. Opened in November 2019, Mino Oski Ain Dah Yung offers young adults who have experienced homelessness their own efficiency apartment with a complete suite of culturally responsive on-site services.
- Contact
- Maricella Pacheco
- Title
- Housing and Stabilization Director
- Fax
- maricella.pacheco@adycenter.org
- Address
769 University Ave W.
St. Paul, MN 55104

Since 1993, Ninijanisag (Meaning "Our Children" in Ojibwe) has offered mentoring to American Indian youth ages 8 to 17. Ninijanisag teaches youth about problem-solving, leadership, and communication skills in cultural context specializing in the prevention of suicide, chemical dependency, and commercial tobacco use.
- Contact
- Amy Arndt
- Title
- Youth and Family Services Director
- Fax
- 651.224.5136
- Amy.Arndt@adycenter.org
- Address
769 University Ave W.
St. Paul, MN 55104- Referral Form
- Click here to make a referral!

ADYC Family Services offers children's mental health case management services, ICWA court monitoring, and family advocacy for Indigenous families involved with child protection services through our Oyate Nawajin ("Stand with the People" in Lakota) program-- all with the expressed purpose of keeping American Indian families together.
The program also houses our Nokomis Circle Liaison, a unique position that works directly with child protection services in Ramsey County to make sure the unique needs of Indigenous youth and families are being addressed in the child protection system.
Learn more!
- Contact
- Tyler Bouwens
- Title
- Youth and Family Services Program Manager
- Fax
- 651.224.5136
- Tyler.Bouwens@adycenter.org
- Referral Form
- Click here to make a referral!

ADYC Street Outreach provides street-based services to homeless, precariously housed, runaway and at-risk youth in collaboration with Streetworks. They also provide health and personal care supplies, food, and access to transportation.
- Contact
- Celina Jubera
- Title
- Youth Lodge and Street Outreach Program Manager
- Phone
- celina.jubera@adycenter.org

Meaning "They are Loved Unconditionally" in Ojibwe, ADYC's newest program provides safe harbor services to victims of sexual exploitation and human trafficking, including culturally specific, trauma informed care for Indigenous men and women before, during, and after periods of exploitation.
- Contact
- Amy Arndt
- Title
- Youth and Family Services Director
- Phone
- 651.348.0055
- amy.arndt@adycenter.org